We at Heckler realize that you have many options when selecting an auction house with which to consign your items. Whether you are consigning a single item, a group, or a collection, Heckler is committed to delivering exceptional results. Heckler is proud to have been serving our clients for over three decades. Our record setting prices are testimony to how Heckler’s experience, reach, and reputation allow your property to reach its fullest potential.
The Right Format For You
Consignors benefit from a variety of avenues.
Where To Start
Our success is your success - we welcome your conversation to discuss consignment options for your singular item, group or entire collection.
If you are interested in consigning with Heckler, please reach out to us. Photographs can be submitted through the contact form, emailed directly to info@hecklerauction.com, or by postal mail. A picture is worth a thousand words, allowing for a quick assessment of your possible consignment. If you prefer to discuss your item(s) over the phone, we are happy to receive your call at 860-974-1634. We look forward to discussing your possible consignment.
Contact us to discuss which auction format(s) will be most effective for your items.