Lot 58

Price Realized:  $211
Freeblown Pitcher, Similar in form and construction to P plate 11, right
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Lot: 58 Freeblown Pitcher, possibly a New Jersey glasshouse, 1860-1870. Bulbous body flaring to rim with applied solid circular base and applied solid handle, rich aquamarine with opaque white and olive green loopings, tooled flared rim with pour spout - pontil scar, ht. 6 3/4 inches, greatest dia. 3 3/4 inches; (7/8 inch fissure at lower body, handle finial has been broken away, loopings around the lower body have crazing and minor loss). Similar in form and construction to P plate 11, right The condition issues are overshadowed by the beautiful form, color and decorations.
Estimate: $150 - $300  Minimum bid: $70
Price Realized:  $211