Conditions of Sale
1. Absentee Auction: The items in this auction will be sold at unreserved absentee auction, opening date Monday, September 2, 2013 at 9:00 AM EDT (6:00 AM PDT) closing date Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 10:00 PM EDT (7:00 PM PDT).
2. Descriptions: Norman C. Heckler & Company has made every attempt to describe correctly the property being sold. Descriptions are guaranteed to be accurate as regards authenticity, age, condition, and measurements to within one-fourth inch, as represented in this auction. When describing damage, we may choose not to list exterior wear or manufacturer’s flaws that, in our opinion, do not significantly detract visually or monetarily from the value of the item. The Auctioneers reserve the right to make corrections and provide additional information at any time during the sale.
3. Preview: Items may be viewed by appointment at our offices through Tuesday, September 10, 2013.
4. Bidding Procedure: Bidding on an item may be done in one of five ways:
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Up to $250 . . . $10 $250 to $500 . . . $25 $500 to $1,000 . . . $50 $1,000 to $2,500 . . . $100 $2,500 to $5,000 . . . $250 $5,000 to $10,000 . . . $500 $10,000 and up . . . $1,000
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TIMED CLOSING: All lots in the auction, regardless of the current high bids, will be part of the timed closing process. This auction will close at 10 PM EST (7 PM PST) on the last day of the sale; however, if there are successful bids on individual items within the last 10 minutes (9:50-10:00 PM EST), then the auction will continue for those individual items. For those items that have received bids in the last 10 minutes, the closing of that item is extended until there are no further bids for a continuous 10 minute period. Lots that have no bidding activity in the last 10 minutes will close at 10 PM EST (7 PM PST). Once the timed closing process is completed, lots below $1000.00 will be considered sold, and no more bidding will take place for these lots. All lots ending at $1000.00 or greater will be part of the Call Back process which will begin the following morning. Call Backs will proceed as described above.
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8. Refunds: Refunds will be given at the discretion of the Auctioneers. Items purchased must be examined and a request for refund made immediately upon receipt of the item or items. Since opinions can differ, particularly in the matter of condition, the Auctioneers will be the sole judge in the consideration of refunds. Refunds requested on the grounds of authenticity must be made within 15 days of the date of the auction, and such refund requests must be accompanied by at least one supporting statement in writing from an authority recognized by the Auctioneers. Absolutely no returns after 30 days of the closing of the sale. It is the Auctioneers sincere intention to consider any reasonable request for a refund.
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